About Us

A Little Words About Us
Company Background
Integrated Services Systems Company is an Egyptian joint stock company established in 2004.
ISS is providing integrated business solutions ensuring business growth covering all business needs throughout various services that meet client needs and even exceeds expectations with extraordinary quality of services and consistency at best levels of performance.
Vision , Mission & Values
It is our desire to, not only meet, but exceed expectations by providing consistent, quality customer service 100% of the time with a commitment to excellence in all lines of business.
We will be the preferred provider of integrated system solutions & services, fitting all types of business in a way that matches the client specific needs. We will be the best in the field by deploying the latest technology, processes, quality control, training, and safety programs in order to deliver professional, prompt services to our clients.
Our Values:
ISS upholds the principles of Integrity, Quality Service, Creativity and Professionalism for our Clients, our Staff, our Shareholders and our Community.
We are not just offering services; we define a clear path for businesses by partnering with you to fulfill your business needs.

Manpower Outsourcing / HR Services:
ISS Human Resources Services infrastructure delivers a full suite of comprehensive HR, Recruitment, Manpower & Payroll Process Outsourcing services to address and meet the talent requirements for leading companies in the Market. ISS provides an entire suite of HR services on an onsite or offsite model.
Our business is finding the right people for direct hire, indirect hire or temporary hires for our Clients. We actively Search; Screen and Recruit people for employment according to specific client requirements and deploy them to their offshore locations..

The administrative structure

Ready to pursue
your dream
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